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Ventricular Escape Rhythm

February 15th, 2021


Ventricular escape is an impulse generated by a ventricular focus when the conduction system fails, most commonly due to complete heart block.
  • Look For

  • Bradycardia with ventricular rate <40bpm
  • Wide QRS complexes (120ms)
  • Regular non-conducted P waves (complete heart block) or no P waves (sinus arrest)
Ventricular escape beats can also occur after a long pause (sinus arrest) if atrial or junctional escape is not triggered.
  • Ventricular escape in the setting of sinus arrest:
  • Ventricular escape in the setting of sinus arrest
  • Ventricular escape in the setting of complete AV block:
  • Ventricular escape in the setting of complete AV block
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