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Test Findings

Silhouette Signs

October 21st, 2019


  • Look For

  • Obliteration of normally clear outlines between the lung fields and adjacent structures such as the heart, aorta or hemidiaphragm.
  • Significance

  • Loss of normal borders appears when the adjacent area of lung is consolidated or collapsed.
  • Interpretation

  • Upper right heart border / ascending aorta - anterior right upper lobe
  • Upper left heart border - anterior left upper lobe
  • Aortic knob / arch - apical left upper lobe
  • Right heart border - right middle lobe
  • Left heart border - lingular lobe
  • Anterior hemidiaphragms - lung bases / lower lobes
  • Examples

  • Obscuration of the right hemidiaphragm suggesting right lower lobe consolidation
  • Obscuration of the right hemidiaphragm suggesting right lower lobe consolidation
  • Obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm suggesting right lower lobe consolidation
  • Obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm suggesting right lower lobe consolidation
  • Obscuration of the ascending aorta, suggesting right upper lobe consolidation
  • Obscuration of the ascending aorta, suggesting right upper lobe consolidation
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