Incorrect ECG Lead Placement
April 24th, 2019
Reversal of arm leads (RA and LA)- inversion of lead I (negative P waves and QRS complexes)
Reversal of RA and LL - inversion of lead II (negative P waves and QRS complexes)
Reversal of LA and LL - inversion of lead III (negative P waves and QRS complexes)
Reversal of LA and LL + RA and RL - flattening of lead I (very low frequency waves)
Reversal of RA and RL - flattening of lead II (very low frequency waves)
Reversal of LA and RL - flattening of lead III (very low frequency waves)
Superior misplacement of V1 / V2 - poor R wave progression
No changes will be seen with reversal of LL and RL.