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Urinary Catheters
Urinary Catheters


February 16th, 2021
On this page:Use of Catheters

Use of Catheters

  • Indications

  • Bladder drainage - for relief of acute urinary retention or bladder outlet obstruction
  • Prevention of urinary retention due to clots
  • Measurement of urine output
  • Perioperative use - urologic surgery, prolonged surgery, large volumes of intraoperative infusion or diuretics, intraoperative urine output measurement
  • Urine specimen collection in patients who are unable to voluntarily void
  • To assist in the healing of perineal wounds in incontinent patients
  • Instillation of medications into the bladder
  • Not Indications

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Confusion
  • Prolonged bed rest with no indication for catheterisation
  • Measuring urine output in patients who are able to void where hourly output is not required
  • Prolonged postoperative catheterisation without an indication
  • Contraindications

  • Urethral trauma - e.g. due to pelvic fracture
  • Urethral stricture
  • Recent urologic surgery (men) - discuss with a urologist first
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