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Burke A. Taking a sexual history. Practice Nurse. 2007; 34(3): 28-32. Kuritzky L. Taking a Male Sexual History. Current Sexual Health Reports. 2006; 3(2): 61-66. Rymer J, Morris EP. Menopausal Symptoms. BMJ. 2000 Dec; 321: 1516-1519. Sinha A, Palep-Singh M. Taking a Sexual History. Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine. 2008 Feb; 18(2): 49-50. Tomlinson J, Milgrom EC. Taking a Sexual History. West J Med. 1999 May; 170(5): 284-286. Tomlinson J. ABC of Sexual Health: Taking a Sexual History. British Medical Journal. 1998 Dec; 317: 1573-1573.