The Obstetric Exam Bookmark ShareThe obstetric examination is performed on pregnant patients to assess for signs of pregnancy, estimate dates and assess for evidence of complications.On this page: The PatientThe Abdomen - InspectionThe Abdomen - PalpationThe Abdomen - AuscultationVaginal Examination in LabourThe PatientGeneral FeaturesAge, general comfortBody HabitusWeight (change), BMIBruisingOedemaOf the face / arms / legsThe Abdomen - InspectionAbdominal SizeScarsPfannenstiel, other past surgerySkinLinea nigra, striae gravidarum, striae albicansLinea NigraPresent in most pregnant womenHyperpigmentation of linea alba in the midlineStriae Gravidarum'Stretch marks'Erythematous / purple band-like skin defectsStriae AlbicansHealed stretch marksSkin coloured band-like defectsFoetal MovementNormally visible after 24 weeksThe Abdomen - PalpationTendernessPalpate each segment of the abdomenSymphysis-Fundal HeightPalpate down from xiphisternum to fundus, measure from fundus to symphysis pubisLeopold's Manoeuvre 1: Fundal GripFoetal polesPlace both hands over the fundusLeopold's Manoeuvre 2: Lateral GripFoetal lieMove hands downward along sides of uterusLeopold's Manoeuvre 3: Pawlik's GripFoetal presentationFirmly grip presenting part between thumb & index fingerLeopold's Manoeuvre 3: Deep Pelvic GripHands facing downward, feel for foetal headMyometriumSoft / hard / contractingLiquor VolumeFoetal parts subjectively easy or difficult to feelFoetal MovementThe Abdomen - AuscultationFoetal HeartUsing Pinard's stethoscope or hand-held DopplerVaginal Examination in LabourPrepareConsent, chaperone, undress, positionCervical DilatationUsing index finger breadth1 finger = 1-1.5cmCervical LengthShortens during labourNormal 3-3.5cmConsistencySoft / medium / firmCervical PositionAnterior / posteriorStationLevel of presenting part compared to ischial spinesFoetal HeadIdentify anterior fontanelle (diamond) and posterior fontanelle (triangle)Occiput-anterior (OA) / -posterior (OP) / -lateral (OL)LiquorMembranes intact / ruptured, meconium liquor