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Hand & Wrist Exam
Hand & Wrist Exam

Elbow Examination

May 9th, 2019

Elbow Lesions

  • Feel For

  • Firm masses over the dorsum of the elbow, noting associated swelling, erythema or tenderness.
  • Differential Diagnosis of Elbow Mass

  • Rheumatoid nodules
  • Gouty tophi
  • Olecranon bursitis

Psoriatic Plaques

  • Look For

  • Raised erythematous patches, particularly affecting the extensor surfaces of joints, scalp, periumbilicus, lower back and skin folds
  • Significance

  • In a patient with a symmetric polyarthritis, the presence of psoriatic plaques is pathognomonic for psoriatic arthritis, and are very useful in distinguishing this from rheumatoid arthritis - the other major differential.
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