Gingival Inflammation
Gingivitis - generalised swelling and erythema.Viral / bacterial / fungal infection, trauma, lichen planus, pemphigoid, erythema multiforme, SLE, drugs, malnutrition
Abscess - localised swelling and erythema.Bacterial infection
Pericoronitis - inflammation surrounding a partially erupted tooth (e.g. wisdom tooth).
Gingival Bleeding
Look For
- Bleeding from the gums.
Causes of Gingival Bleeding
- Trauma - mechanical, chemical, radiation
- Bleeding disorder - defects of bone marrow / platelets / factors / vitamin K, medications
- Infection - viral / bacterial / fungal
- Dermatosis
- Erythema multiforme
- Connective tissue disorders - SLE, scurvy
- Drugs
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